This article has been updated for 2025. Introduction Saber Pension has discussed Defined Benefit Plans as a guest on several podcasts. In this post, we have provided the Defined Benefit Plan podcast transcripts and access to the full shows. Note that we have made minor edits to the transcripts for readability purposes. For your convenience, […]

Defined Benefit Plan Podcast

Defined Benefit Plan Podcasts. Our Guest Appearances.

This article has been updated for 2025. Your Defined Benefit Plan Attorney Do you sponsor a Defined Benefit Plan? If so, a pension attorney is an important part of your team. Pension attorneys, also called ERISA attorneys, have expertise in the laws and regulations related to Defined Benefit Plans. For small Defined Benefit Plans, pension […]

Pension Attorney

The Pension Attorney. A Legal Resource for Defined Benefit Plans.

This article has been updated for 2025. Introduction What is the definition of a Defined Benefit Plan? How do they function? Are they similar to other retirement plans? We will answer these and other questions in this article. Defined Benefit Plan Definition Defined Benefit Plans are retirement plans. Unlike Defined Contribution Plans, benefits are not […]

Defined Benefit Plan Definition

Defined Benefit Plan Definition. What They Are and How They Work.

This article has been updated for 2025. Defined Benefit Minimum Participation What is the minimum participation in a Defined Benefit Plan (“DB Plan”)? This is a common question we get from business owners. To some extent, minimum participation in a Defined Benefit Plan is addressed indirectly in the coverage requirements. However, DB Plans have an […]

Minimum Participation in a Defined Benefit Plan

Minimum Participation in a Defined Benefit Plan. What’s the Requirement?

This article has been updated for 2025. If you love baseball, the Spring Training season is a great time of year. For the die-hard fan, it’s an ideal environment to scout your team, meet the players and get autographs. Spring Training is also a reason, if you live in a colder climate, to trade mounds […]

Nondiscrimination Testing in Defined Benefit Plans

Defined Benefit Nondiscrimination Testing. A Baseball Analogy.